provides a variety of services to the business community. The fees for these services depends on the services requested. It also depends on how big the project is or whether the job is an ongoing or just a one time job. We charge an hourly rate, a bi-weekly rate or a monthly rate. It really depends on which payment plan suits you or your company best.
I would be happy to get together and discuss what is best for you and/or your company. Please e-mail me @ tancat2000@aol.com or send me a fax @ (503) 574-3101.Your input is important and I will respond within twenty-four hours or less.
Special Announcement
The Office Staff is conducting a special offer this month of February. A special introductory sale to new clients on services rendered an extra TWENTY PERCENT (20%) off are normal rate or our negotiated charging plan. Take advantage of this special offer as soon as you can. On top of the savings you already save by having a home based business you can now save an additional.
Word Processing Services Options Rate Business and Personal Correspondence All types:
memosper hour
monthlyBookkeeping with Quickbooks Pro On-Going
Catch-Upper hour
monthlySchool Papers Essays
Term papers
Book Reportsper hour Business Form Design All types of business forms per hour Word Processing Projects Tutorial, Implement and Use of
Microsoft Office and its many uses.
Building a database for memos and
letters, phone numbers and contacts.Usually by
the project.
Negotiable!Data Base Data Base Management Updating
Provide complete and updated Reports
Initial Set Up and Support
Charts and Graphs
Data Entry
Microsoft Excel and AccessBy the Project. Maintaining and
Updating: per hourCustomer Services Reminder Service Professional and Personal
Appointment Reminders
Personal Reminding ServiceMonthly Rate Customer Billing Service Send Bills
Maintaining Database
Update Reports Daily
Friendly RemindersMonthly Rate Medical Billing Service Send Bills
Maintaining Database
Update Reports Daily
Friendly RemindersMonthly Rate Desktop Publishing Newsletters On-line
Interoffice Newsletters
Club Newsletters
Printing and DistributionBy the Project. Monlthy Rate
Brochures and Fliers Promote Sales
On-Line and Off-Line
Mailing and Distribution
High Quality PrintsBy the Project. PowerPoint Presentations Full library of clip art
Charts and Graphs
Support and ConsultationBy the Project. High Quality Printing All your printing needs. General Office Overflow Assistance Are you or your office behind seems impossible to catch up. What will it take to catch up.
With your best interests in mind.
Do you need additional staff, instead of hiring - let us do the job for you.Usually by the Hour.
Savings of 20% to all new clients for the month of February!
Send an E-Mail or a Fax: (503) 574-3104
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This page last updated on January 23, 2000.
The Office Staff